#214: Why we’re closing our Monthly Membership

Why we’re closing our monthly membership!!

On this weeks ‘quickie’ episode of Marketing Made Easy from Get Savvy Club, Anita Baldwin & Anna Geary discuss why they’re closing their monthly membership, Get Savvy Academy after 2 years!

The Get Savvy Academy opened its doors with a bang with nearly 100 (97 to be precise) new members joining as founder members… it was great!

There was a buzz & Anita & Anna served with abundance, getting in a host of masterclasses, building community & delivering & maintaining the bonuses included.

Even with a rebrand & an injection of new ideas, action & serving more something still didn’t feel right…

It all seemed so passive & although Get Savvy Club were making money from the membership & everyone was happy, Anita & Anna were frustrated the true results & transformations weren’t happening with the members..

A blend of members not paying enough to value attending all the sessions & mindfulness from the Savvy pair that these people are in the membership on a low monthly payment they didn’t have access to our full methods & step by step systems to really make a difference to their lives & businesses.

Meanwhile clients on Social Media Made Easy Program, Masterminds small number of 1-1’s were flying, getting more clients & making more money.. using social media in their businesses was easy & the results & transformations were hugely satisfying..

Get Savvy Club want everyone to get results & win & this wasn’t happening in the membership so at the end of August 2022 the doors are closing!

Something you shipped last year or two years ago which was an amazing product or service for your clients & for your business may not be right for you & them now!

Will they ever open a new membership in the future?

Never say never, right!?

Right now Social Media Made Easy..

The online program that helps small businesses owners get clarity, confidence & consistent using social media to attract more clients & money in less time…

… is Get Savvy Clubs main focus as the results, transformations, community, wins & bonuses are the BEST!

Don’t be afraid to change or let go of elements of your business, even if they’re profitable!

You know deep down what’s right & you have the power to run your business the way you want & if you want to stop something you have our permission to stop (not that you need our permission, but if it helps)! 🤩 ✌🏻