#195: The Menopause Rockstar – Mairi Taylor

On this weeks guest episode of Marketing Made Easy from Get Savvy Club, Anita Baldwin & Anna Geary speak with Well Being Guide & Menopause Coach, Mairi Taylor.

Mairi (ex shoulder pad wearing, bad ass corporate HR Director) talks about the cycles women go through & how we can embrace & use them all to reach our highest potential…

Women have so many different energies at different times of our cycles… one even being the Queen Energy! Do you know & use yours…?

Before you think this episode may not be for you as either you’re a man, you’re not woowoo or maybe both of these things, give it a go! Mairi’s thought processes & ideas might surprise, inspire & help you if you’re a women or know women (all of us then)!

Find out more about Mairi here 👇

Insta @mairitaylor_menopause_rockstar
